For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Plate 35: Thoracic and abdominal viscera (seen from ventral and dorsal sides).

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

  1. The thoracic and abdominal cavities are opened from the front and important lymph glands and their vessels are shown. Viscera of the left side are removed.
  2. From behind, deep to the vertebral column, the opened thorax, abdomen and pelvis, with intestines, blood vessels and nerves.
  3. Liver, spleen and pancreas with their blood supply.
  4. The celiac (s. solar) plexus with surrounding organs.
Plate 35: Thoracic and abdominal viscera (seen from ventral and dorsal sides).

Title Page The thoracic and abdominal cavities are opened from the front and important lymph glands and their vessels are shown. Viscera of the left side are removed From behind, deep to the vertebral column, the opened thorax, abdomen and pelvis, with intestines, blood vessels and nerves Liver, spleen and pancreas with their blood supply The celiac (s. solar) plexus with surrounding organs