For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The celiac (s. solar) plexus with surrounding organs.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The celiac (s. solar) plexus with surrounding organs

a) Diaphragm.
b) Inferior vena cava (with hepatic veins).
c) Esophagus.
d) Body of stomach (with branches of vagus nerves).
e) Spleen. (s. Lien).
f) Pancreas, head.
g) Pancreas, tail.
h) Kidney (s. Ren).
i) Suprarenal gland (s. adrenal).
k) Ureter.

  1. descending abdominal aorta.
  2. left gastric artery.
  3. lienalis artery (s. splenic).
  4. hepatic artery (with hepatic plexus).
  5. renal artery and vein (with renal plexus).
  6. internal spermatic artery and vein (with internal spermatic plexus).
  7. superior mesenteric plexus.
  8. inferior vena cava.
  9. celiac plexus (s. solaris).
  10. phrenic plexus.
  11. gastric plexus.
  12. splenic plexus.
  13. inferior aortic plexus (s. abdominalis aortic plexus).

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