For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

From behind, deep to the vertebral column, the opened thorax, abdomen and pelvis, with intestines, blood vessels and nerves.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

the opened thorax, abdomen and pelvis

a) First thoracic vertebra, body.
b) First thoracic vertebra, spinous process.
c) First rib.
d) Scapula.
e) Spinal cord.
f) Esophagus.
g) Trachea.
h) Top of the right lung.
i) Costal pleura (s. parietal pleura).
k) Diaphragm.
l) Heart (s. cor).
m) Left bronchus.
n) Kidney (s. Ren).
o) Renal pelvis.
p) Ureter.
q) Suprarenal gland (s. adrenal gland).
r) Peritoneum (of posterior abdominal wall).
s) Rectum (s. intestinum rectum).
t) Posterior end of m. sphincter ani externus.
u) m. Levator ani.
v) Sacrotuberous ligament.
w) m. Piriformis.
x) Os ilium.
y) m Psoas major.
z) mm Gluteal.

  1. aortic arch.
  2. descending thoracic aorta.
  3. descending abdominal aorta.
  4. common iliac artery.
  5. internal iliac artery and vein (s. hypogastric).
  6. external iliac artery and vein (s. cruralis).
  7. middle sacral artery and vein.
  8. innominate artery (s. brachiocephalic artery).
  9. subclavian artery.
  10. common carotid artery.
  11. internal thoracic artery and vein (s. internal mammary).
  12. intercostal artery, vein and nerve.
  13. renal artery and vein (with suprarenal branch).
  14. internal spermatic artery and vein.
  15. superior rectal artery and vein.
  16. middle rectal artery and vein.
  17. common pudendal artery and vein.
  18. sciatic artery (s. ischiadica).
  19. superior gluteal artery and vein.
  20. subclavian vein.
  21. superior vena cava.
  22. azygos vein.
  23. hemiazygos vein.
  24. First and second lumbar veins.
  25. inferior vena cava.
  26. common iliac vein.
  27. thoracic duct.
  28. cysternal chyli (s. receptaculum chyli).
  29. lumbar nodes.
  30. intercostal nodes.
  31. posterior mediastinal glands.
  32. first intercostals nerve.
  33. first thoracic ganglion.
  34. vagus nerve.
  35. recurrent laryngeal nerve (s. recurrens vagi).
  36. phrenic nerve.
  37. sympathetic nerve, thoracic ganglia.
  38. splanchnic nerves, major and minor.
  39. twelfth intercostal nerve
  40. first lumbar nerve.
  41. lateral anterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
  42. femoral nerve.
  43. obturator nerve.
  44. sympathetic nerve, lumbar ganglion.
  45. sciatic plexus.
  46. sacral nerves.

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