For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The bones of the trunk with the left scapula, seen from the front.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The bones of the trunk with the left scapula, seen from the front.

a) First cervical vertebra, atlas. (See also figures 2 and 3, 4 and 5.)
b) Second cervical vertebra, axis (epistropheus). (See also figures 2 and 3, and 6.)
c) Seventh cervical (last) vertebra (vertebra prominens).
d) First thoracic vertebra.
e) Twelfth (last) thoracic vertebra.
f) First lumbar vertebra.
g) Fifth (last) lumbar vertebra.
h) Spinous process.
i) Transverse process.
k) Intervertebral foramen.
l) First (true) rib.
m) Twelfth rib.
n) Clavicle.
o) Scapula.
p) Sacral bone.
q) Coccygeal bone.
r) Ilium (part of the innominate bone).
s) Ischium (part of the innominate bone).
t) Pubic bone (part of the innominate [coxal] bone).
u) Sacral canal (entrance).
v) Superior oblique process of the sacral bone.
w) False spinous process.
x) Spurious oblique and transverse process.
y) Posterior sacral foramina.
z) Sacral horn.

a) Exit of sacral canal.
b) coccygeal horn.
g) Iliac crest.
d) Posterior superior iliac spine.
e) Posterior semilunar incisure of the ilium.
z) Posterior inferior iliac spine.
h) Greater sciatic notch.
q) Semicircular line (superior external arcuate line).
i)Arcuate line (inferior arcuate line).
k) Acetabulum.
l) Descending ramus of the arcuate line.
m) Ischial tuberosity.
x) Lesser sciatic foramen.
p) Obturator foramen.
r) Ascending ramus of the ischium.
s) Descending ramus of the pubic bone (see also Plate 3, figures 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8).

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