For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The right innominate (coxal) bone, seen from within, and through the lines of union of the ilium, ischium, and pubic bones.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The right innominate (coxal) bone.

A. Ilium.
B. Ischium.
C. Pubis.
D. Obturator foramen (passage by a small aperature for the obturator artery, vein, and nerve).

a) Iliac crest (origin for mm quadratus femoris and latissimous dorsi; with an external lip for m external abdominal oblique, internal lip for m. internal oblique and intermediate line for m transverses abdominus).
b) Anterior superior iliac spine (origin for mm sartorius and tensor fasciae latae).
c) Anterior inferior iliac spine (origin for m rectus femoris).
d) Posterior superior iliac spine.
e) Posterior inferior iliac spine.
f) Anterior semilunar notch.
g) Posterior semilunar notch.
h) Tubercle of the iliac bone.
i) Auricular face (formed with the auricular face of the sacral bone of the sacral ilica symphysis).
k) Internal arcuate or terminal line (or the line demarking the greater and lesser (or true) pelvis).
l) Greater sciatic notch (passage for m piriformis and inferior gluteal artery, vein and nn inferior gluteal, sciatic, and pudendal).
m) Body of the ischial bone (with the continuation of the greater sciatic notch).
n) Descending ramus of the ischium.
o) Ascending ramus of the ischium (origin for mm ischiocavernosus, gracilis, adductor magnus, and transversus prostatae).
p) Ischial spine (origin for sacrospinous ligament, mm gemulus superior and coccygeus).
q) Ischial tuberosity (origin for sacrotuberous ligament, mm gemulus inferior, quadatus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus, tranverse pernei profundus).
r) Lesser sciatic foramen (passage for m obturator internus, artery, vein and internal pudendal nerve).
s) Horizontal ramus of the pubic bone.
t) Descending ramus of the pubic bone.
u) Iliopectineal tuberosity.
v) Pubic crest (origin of m pectineus).
w) Pubic spine (attachment for the inguinal ligament).
x) Pubic symphysis.
y) Iliac fossa (inner concave surface of the ilium and the origin of m. internal iliac).

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