For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The bones of the pelvis, from its anterior side.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The bones of the pelvis, from its anterior side.

A) Sacral bone (os).
B) Coxal bone.
C) Os ilium.
D) Os ischii.
E) Os pubis.

a) Superior oblique process of sacral bone.
b) Body of the sacral bone (with the prominence [sacral vertebral angle]).
c) Internal arcuate line (marks true from false pelvis).
d) Anterior sacral foramen.
e) Internal arcuate line of the ilium.
f) Sacro-iliac symphysis.
g) Iliac crest.
h) Anterior superior iliac spine.
i) Anterior inferior iliac spine.
k) Anterior semilunar incisure of the iliac bone.
l) Ischial spine.
m) Iliopectinate tubercle (pubic tubercle).
n) Acetabulum.
o) Acetabular lip
p) Acetabular notch.
q) Obturator foramen.
r) Horizontal ramus of the pelvic bone.
s) Pubic spine.
t) Descending ramus of the pubic bone.
u) Symphysis of the pubic bone (beneath, the pubic angle or arch).
v) Ascending ramus of the ischial bone.
w) Ischial tuberosity.
x) Descending ramus of the ischial bone.

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