For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Plate 19: Blood vessels of the neck, thorax, and abdomen and arm forearm and hand.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

  1. The pericardium surrounds the heart which is located between both lungs, and the great vessels are also seen from the bodies ventral side.
  2. The heart and lungs seen from behind, along with the airway, blood vessels and nerves.
  3. Branches of the maxillary and facial arteries, seen from the left side of the head.
  4. An overview of the blood vessels of the neck, thorax, abdomen and of the arm, forearm and hand.
  5. The vertebral column seen on the right side, with the azygos vein, aorta, and the vena cava.
  6. The great blood vessels alongside the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (aorta, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, azygos vein and the hemiazygos vein, seen from behind.
Plate 19: Blood vessels of the neck, thorax, and abdomen and arm forearm and hand.
Title Page The pericardium surrounds the heart which is located between both lungs, and the great vessels are also seen from the bodies ventral side The heart and lungs seen from behind, along with the airway, blood vessels and nerves Branches of the maxillary and facial arteries, seen from the left side of the head An overview of the blood vessels of the neck, thorax, abdomen and of the arm, forearm and hand The vertebral column seen on the right side, with the azygos vein, aorta, and the vena cava The great blood vessels alongside the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (aorta, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, azygos vein and the hemiazygos vein, seen from behind