For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The heart and lungs seen from behind, along with the airway, blood vessels and nerves.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The heart and lungs seen from behind

a) Larynx.
b) Trachea.
c) Bronchus, right.
d) Bronchus, left.
e) Lung, superior lobe.
f) Lung, inferior lobe.
g) Lung, middle lobe.
h) Right atrium with the ostium of inferior vena cava.
i) Left ostium.
k) Right ventricle.
l) Left ventricle.

  1. pulmonary vein (s. arteriosae), with arterial [oxygenated] blood.
  2. great cardiac vein.
  3. right coronary artery.
  4. pulmonary artery.
  5. aortic arch.
  6. innominate artery.
  7. subclavian artery.
  8. common carotid artery.
  9. internal jugular vein.
  10. superior vena cava.
  11. vagus nerve (s. pneumogastric nerve).
  12. recurrent laryngeal nerve (inferior laryngeal nerve).
  13. recurrent nerve, tracheal rami.
  14. recurrent nerve, cardiac rami.
  15. superior laryngeal nerve.
  16. sympathetic nerve, cardiac rami.
  17. cardiac plexus.
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