For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Plate 36: Urinary and sex organs.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

  1. and 2.The kidney and its cortical and pyramidal substance, the ureters and blood vessels.
  2. The urinary bladder, opened anteriorly, and male urethra.
  3. The outer and inner parts of male sex organs, after removal of the left half of the pelvis.
  4. The outer and inner parts of male sex organs, in a midline sagittal section, so the left half is seen.
  5. The external male sex organs, penis and scrotum.
  6. The outer and inner portions of female sex organs, with their blood supply.
  7. The outer and inner female sex organs, in a sagittal section. The right half is visible.
  8. Female sex organs, opened from the front.
Plate 36: Urinary and sex organs.

Title Page The kidney and its cortical and pyramidal substance, the ureters and blood vessels. The kidney and its cortical and pyramidal substance, the ureters and blood vessels. The urinary bladder, opened anteriorly, and male urethra The outer and inner parts of male sex organs, after removal of the left half of the pelvis The outer and inner parts of male sex organs, in a midline sagittal section, so the left half is seen The outer and inner portions of female sex organs, with their blood supply The external male sex organs, penis and scrotum Female sex organs, opened from the fron The outer and inner female sex organs, in a sagittal section. The right half is visible