For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The outer and inner portions of female sex organs, with their blood supply.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

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The outer and inner portions of female sex organs

a) Ilium.
b) Iliac crest.
c) Acetabulum.
d) Descending ramus of ischium.
e) Rectum.
f) Urinary bladder (upper half removed).
g) Ureter.
h) m. Psoas.
i) m. iliacus.
k) Uterus.
l) Round ligament of uterus.
m) Fallopian tube (s. oviduct or uterine tube).
n) Fimbria, laciniae, rings of openings of abdominal tubes.
o) Broad ligament of uterus (s. ligamentum latum uteri).
p) Ovary.
q) Ovarium ligament.
r) Vaginal-uterine junction with external uterine orifice.
s) Vagina.
t) Clitoris.
u) Glans clitoris with prepuce and frenulum.
v) Labia minora (s. nympha or minus).
w)Labia majora (s. labia externa).
x) Urethral orifice.
y) Vaginal orifice.
z) Peritoneum.

  1. descending (abdominal) aorta.
  2. common iliac artery.
  3. external iliac artery (s. cruralis).
  4. internal iliac artery (s. hypogastric).
  5. inferior vena cava.
  6. common iliac artery.
  7. uterine and vaginal arteries and veins.
  8. testicular artery (s. internal spermatic artery and vein).

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