For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Bony cochlea (of left ear), opened from the side.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Bony cochlea (of left ear), opened from the side.

a) Cochlear base (s. basis).
b) Cupula (s. apex cochlea or helicotrema).
c) First turn of cochlear canal.
d) Second turn of cochlear canal.
e) Third (half) turn of cochlear canal.
f) Outer wall of cochlear canal.
g) Inner wall of cochlear canal.
h) Base of modiolus (s. basis der spindle).
i) Modiolus, spindle with hole and canal for a branch of the cochlear canal.
k) Apex modioli (location of helicotrema).
l) Fusion of modiolus with the cupula.
m) Bony spiral lamina.
n) Scala tympani (s. inferior).
o) Scala vestibuli (s. superior).
p) Terminus of cochlear canal (scyphus).

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