For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy
Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
a) Inner wall of tympanic membrane.
b) Round window.
c) Promontorium.
d) Head of malleus.
e) Malleus, long (anterior) process (s. processus gracilis vel [or] Folianus).
f) Manubrium mallei.
g) Malleus, short (lateral) process (s. processus brevis vel obtusus).
h) Incus, body (s. incudis).
i) Short limb of incus (s. processus brevis incudis).
k) Long limb of incus(s. processus longus incudis).
l) Stapes (with basis [footplate]in oval window).
m) Pyramidal eminence (s. eminentia papillaris).
n) Tendon of stapedius.
o) Ligamentum capituli mallei (s. superius).
p) Ligamentum incudis superius.
q) Ligamentum incudis posterior (s. processus brevis incudis).
r) Entrance to mastoid air cell.
s) Auditory (Eustachian) tube, bony portion.
t) Auditory (Eustachian) tube, cartilaginous portion.
u) Semicanal for m. tensor tympani.