For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Posterior surface of the (left) outer temporal bone with the external muscles.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Posterior surface of the (left) outer temporal bone with the external muscles

a) Posterior surface of the helix.
b) Scapha (s fossa navicularis).
c) Anthelicis.
d) Concha.
e) External auditory meatus, cartilaginous portion.
f) m. Auricularis superior (s. attolens).
g) m. Auricularis superior (s. attrehens).
h) m. Auricularis posterior (s. retrahentes).
i) m. Transversus auriculae.
k) m. Auricularis obliquus.

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