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The 3rd Annual Health Research International Conference 2024 (AHR-iCON 2024)

15 ก.พ. 2567, 09:54 น.

The 3rd Annual Health Research International Conference 2024 (AHR-iCON 2024)
Songkhla, Thailand,
29-30 August 2024

Health Research and Innovation for Future & Mankind (Hybrid format)
!!!! Now the deadline of submission is extended to June 17, 2024

CALL for Abstracts and PAPERS*
- Clinical Medicine
- Health Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical Engineering
- Public Health
- Medical and Health Technology
*Selected papers will be published in Journal of Health Science and Medical Research (JHSMR) indexed in SCOPUS

Highlight Activities
- Keynote Speakers
- Invited lectures
- Innovation forum
- Research forum
- Medical student research symposium
- Oral presentation
- Presentation awards
*Special discount for a group registration for presenters

Keynote lectures
- Prof. Shuhei Nakamura
    Nara Medical University, Japan
- Prof. Hao Li
    Wuhan University, China
- Assoc. Prof. Leo Hwa Liang
    National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Assoc. Prof. Varodom Charoensawan
    Mahidol University, Thailand
- Dr. Angela E Taylor
    University of Birmingham, UK

Important Date
Abstract and Full paper deadline is extended to June 17, 2024
Abstract and Full paper acceptance notification: July 10,2024
Registration: July 10-25 August, 2024

More information at
E-mail: medpsuresearch@gmail.com


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- The 3rd Annual Health Research International Conference 2024 (AHR-iCON 2024)   
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เริ่ม : 15 ก.พ. 2567
สิ้นสุด : 30 ส.ค. 2567
โดย : กัลยา ศุภรพิพัฒน์
เมื่อ : 2024-02-15 09:54:58
แก้ไข : 2024-06-07 16:05:25
เข้าชมทั้งหมด : 871 ครั้ง