For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles and cartilages of the larynx, seen from the side.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Muscles and cartilages of the larynx, seen from the side

a) Epiglottis.
b) Thyroid cartilage (cut through).
c) Cricoid cartilage.
d) Tracheal cartilage.
e) Corniculate cartilage.
f) Accessory muscle fascicles.
g) mm. Cricothyroid and inferior constrictor of pharynx.
h) m. Posterior cricoarytenoideus.
i) m. Lateral cricoarytenoideus.
k) m. Thyroarytenoideus.
l) m. Thyroepiglotticus.
m) m. Thyroarytenoideus.
n) mm. Oblique and transverse arytenoids.
o) m. Superior thyroarytenoid.
p) m. Aryepiglotticus.

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