For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The left half of the nose, mouth, pharynx and larynx, by a vertical cut, opened and seen from the inside.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The left half of the nose, mouth, pharynx and larynx

a) Frontal bone.
b) Nasal bone.
c) Lamina cribrosa (s. lamina horizontalis or cribrosa ossa ethmoidei).
d) Sphenoid sinus.
e) Hard palate (s. superior maxillae palatinus processus).
f) Incisive canal.
g) Mandible.
h) Hyoid bone.
i) Superior concha.
k) Middle concha.
l) Inferior concha.
m) Auditory tube (s. ostium pharyngeum tuba Eustachii).
n) Soft palate (uvula).
o) Pharynx.
p) Tongue.
q) m. Genioglossus.
r) m. Geniohyoideus.
s) Epiglottis.
t) Superior thyreoarytenoid ligament (s. glottidis ligament).
u) Inferior thyreoarytenoid ligament (s. glottidis ligament).
v) Ventriculus larynges (s. laryngeal ventricle or ventriculus Morgagni).
w) Thyroid cartilage.
x) Arytenoid cartilage.
y) Cricoid cartilage.
z) Esophagus.

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