Nerves (from the vagus and sympathetic nervous system) to the posterior surface of the jaw and gullet.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Nerves to the posterior surface of the jaw and gullet.

a) Occipital bone, pars basilaris.
b) Sella turcica (posterior clinoid process).
c) Temporal bone, petrosal part.
d) Carotid canal.
e) Mastoid process.
f) First rib.
g) Second rib.
h) m. Sternocleidmastoid.
i, k, l) Pharynx (mm. superior, middle, inferior constrictors).
m) Esophagus.
n) Bronchi.
o) Aortic arch.
p) Left common carotid artery.
q) Left subclavian artery.
r) Innominate artery.
s) Right common carotid artery.
t) Right subclavian artery.
u) Internal thoracic artery (internal mammary artery).
v) Superior thyroid artery.
w) Inferior thyroid artery.
x) Ascending pharyngeal artery.
y) Ascending cervical artery.
z) Internal carotid artery.

  1. sympathetic nerves.
  2. superior cervical nerve (with long cardiac nerve and laryngopharyngeal nerves and junction with the cervical plexus).
  3. middle cervical nerve (with middle cardiac nerve and junction with the brachial plexus, vagus nerve, recurrent and phrenic).
  4. inferior cervical nerve (with great cardiac nerve and branches to the brachial plexus, subclavius and pulmonialis).
  5. cervical nerve I.
  6. cervical nerve II.
  7. cervical nerve III.
  8. cervical nerve IV.
  9. brachial plexus.
  10. intercostal nerve.
  11. phrenic nerve.
  12. vagus nerve.
  13. recurrent laryngeal (s. inferior laryngeal nerves).
  14. pharyngeal plexus (superior and inferior), from thepharyngeal rami of the vagus, glossopharyngeal and sympathetic nerves.
  15. esophageal plexus, formed from the vagus and sympathetic nerves.
  16. Pulmonary plexus, formed from the vagus and sympathetic nerves.

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