For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Nerves of the palate and tongue.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Nerves of the palate and tongue

a) Superior lip.
b) Hard palate.
c) Soft palate (s. velum palatinum and palatum molle).
d) Uvula.
e) Glossopalatine arch.
f) Pharyngopalatine arch.
g) Tonsil.
h) Isthmus of faucium (throat).
i) Root of the tongue.

  1. palatine nerves (anterior, medial and lateral). Branch of the pterygopalatine nerve.
  2. glossopharyngeal nerve.
  3. lingual ramus of the trigeminal nerve.
  4. nerve for the m. palatoglossus from the glossopharyngeal nerve.

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