Chorda tympani and the facial nerve and the inner half of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, from the left side and seen from the outside.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Chorda tympani and the facial nerve

a) Mastoid process.
b) Petrous portion of temporal bone.
c) Facial canal ( s. Fallopian canal).
d) Tympanic cavity.
e) Incus.
f) Malleus.
g) m. Tensor tympani.

  1. facial nerve.
  2. genu of the facial nerve.
  3. chorda tympani.
  4. trigeminal nerve.
  5. semilunar ganglion.
  6. trigeminal nerve, ramus I (ophthalmic division).
  7. trigeminal nerve, ramus II (maxillary division).
  8. trigeminal nerve, ramus III (mandibular division).
  9. anterior auricular nerve (with its two branches).
  10. otic ganglion.
  11. nerve for m. tensor tympani,
  12. lesser superficial petrosal nerve.
  13. greater superficial petrosal nerve.

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