For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Nerves of the (left) orbit, the eye muscles and the eyeball.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Nerves of the (left) orbit, the eye muscles and the eyeball

a) Frontal bone (with frontal sinus).
b) Maxillary bone (with maxillary sinus).
c) Sphenoid bone.
d) Ocular bulb.
e) m. Ocular lateral rectus.
f) m. Ocular inferior rectus.
g) m. Ocular superior oblique.
h) m. Inferior oblique.
i) m. Ocular superior rectus.
k) m. Levator palpebrae superioris.
l) Internal carotid artery.

  1. optic nerve.
  2. oculomotor nerve.
  3. oculomotor nerve, superior ramus.
  4. oculomotor nerve, inferior ramus. With short ciliary nerves to ciliary ganglion.
  5. trochlear nerve.
  6. trigeminal nerve.
  7. semilunar ganglion.
  8. trigeminal nerve, ramus I (s. ophthalmic branch).
  9. trigeminal nerve, ramus II (s. maxillary branch).
  10. trigeminal nerve, ramus III (s. mandibular branch).
  11. frontal nerve.
  12. nasociliary nerve with
  13. long ciliary nerves for
  14. the ciliary ganglion (s. ophthalmicum).
  15. ciliary nerves.
  16. ethmoidal nerve.
  17. trochlear nerve.
  18. abducens nerve.

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