For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Cutaneous nerves on the anterior (volar) surface of the (right) arm.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

Cutaneous nerves on the anterior (volar) surface of the (right) arm

a) m. Deltoideus.
b) m. Pectoralis major.
c) m. Biceps brachii.
d) Cubital fold.
e) Ulnar head (capitulum).
f) Palmar aponeurosis.
g) Pollex (s. thenar pollicis).
h) Digiti minimi (s. hypothenar digiti minimi or antithenar) mit m. palmaris brevis.
i) Brachial cephalic vein.
k) Median basilic vein.
l) Median cephalic vein.
m) Median cephalic vein.

  1. supraclavicular nerves.
  2. cutaneous branch of axillary nerve.
  3. posterior medial brachial cutaneous nerve (branch of the lateral ramus of intercostal II).
  4. lesser medial brachial cutaneous nerve.
  5. branch of the medial cutaneous nerve.
  6. middle brachial cutaneous nerve (s. internus major).
  7. palmar cutaneous branch of medial cutaneous nerve.
  8. ulnar cutaneous branch of medial cutaneous nerve.
  9. cutaneous branch of musculoocutaneous nerve (s. lateral antibrachial cutaneous nerve).
  10. radial nerve branch.
  11. volar digital nerves.

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