For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Skin and muscle nerves of the anterior surface of the left leg.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Skin and muscle nerves of the anterior surface of the left leg

a) Sacral promontory.
b) Iliac crest.
c) Anterior superior iliac spine.
d) Symphysis of the iliac bones.
e) m. Internal iliac.
f) m. Psoas major.
g) m. Sartorius.
h) m. Gluteus medius.
i) m. Tensor fasciae latae.
k) m. Rectus femoris.
l) m. Vastus lateralis.
m) m. Pectineus.
n) m. adductor longus.
o) m. adductor magnus.
p) m. Vastus intermedius.
q) m. vastus medialis.
r) m. Common extensor tendon of the leg (s. patellar ligament).
s) Patella.
t) Tibia.
u) Medial malleolus.
v) Lateral malleolus.
w) Superior extensor retinaculum of lower limb (s. ligamentum transversum cruris or vaginale cruris).
x) m. Tibialis anterior.
y) m. Extensor digitorum pedis longus.
z) m. Peroneus longus.

a) m. Peroneus brevis.
b) m. Extensor hallucis longus.
g) m. Extensor digitorum pedis brevis.
d) m. Extensor hallucis brevis.
e) m. Soleus.

  1. abdominal aorta.
  2. common iliac artery.
  3. internal iliac artery.
  4. femoral artery.
  5. femoral vein.
  6. great saphenous vein.
  7. lesser saphenous vein.
  8. sacral plexus.
  9. lumbar plexus.
  10. femoral nerve.
  11. obturator vein.
  12. anterior lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
  13. inguinal nerve.
  14. genitofemoral nerve.
  15. saphenous nerve.
  16. anterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
  17. anterior medial femoral cutaneous nerve (s. saphenous minor).
  18. branch of iliohypogastric nerve.
  19. branch of ilioinguinal nerve.
  20. muscular branches of femoral nerve.
  21. superficial peroneal nerve with
  22. medial cutaneous nerve offoot.
  23. intermediate cutaneous nerve of dorsum of foot.
  24. lateral (sural) cutaneous nerve of leg.
  25. common (deep and superficial) peroneal nerve.
  26. medial branch of deep peroneal nerve.
  27. lateral branch of deep peroneal nerve.
  28. coccygeal plexus.

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