For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Deep nerves of the posterior surface of the left arm.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Deep nerves of the posterior surface of the left arm

a) Acromion of scapulae.
b) Spine of scapula.
c) Head of the humerus.
d) Olecranon.
e) Ulna.
f) Radius.
g) Humeral bone.
h) Transverse scapular ligament (s ligamentum transverse and scapulae proprium posticum).
i) m. Supraspinatus.
k) m. Infraspinatus.
l) m. Teres major.
m) m. Teres minor.
n) m. Deltoideus.
o) m. Triceps brachii.
p) mm Biceps and brachialis.
q) Medial humeral condyle.
r) m. Brachioradialis.
s) m.. Extensor carpi radialis.
t) m. Supinator.
u) mm. Carpal flexors.
v) m. Extensor pollicis longus.
w) mm. abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis.
x) Tendon of m. extensor digitorum communis.
y) Dorsal carpal ligament (transverse carpal ligament or extensor retinaculum).
z) Tendon m. Extensor pollicis brevis.

  1. deep brachial artery and vein.
  2. dorsal radial artery.
  3. cephalic vein.
  4. basilic vein.
  5. suprascapular nerve
  6. supraspinatus nerve, from suprascapular nerve.
  7. infraspinatus nerve, from suprascapular nerve.
  8. axillary nerve.
  9. posterior superior brachial cutaneous nerve.
  10. radial nerve
  11. ulnar nerve.
  12. lateral interosseous nerve (s. ramus profundus nervi radialis).
  13. superficial radial nerve.
  14. superior lateral antibrachial cutaneous nerve.
  15. dorsal branch of ulna nerve.

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