For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The cutaneous nerves of the posterior surface of the (right) upper limb.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The cutaneous nerves of the posterior surface of the (right) upper limb

a) m. Deltoideus.
b) m. Latissimus dorsi.
c) m. Triceps brachii.
d) Olecranon.
e) Humerus, lateral condyle.
f) Ulnar capitulum.
g) Brachial cephalic vein.
h) Cephalic vein.
i) Basilic vein.

  1. posterior supraclavicular nerves.
  2. (upper) lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (branch of the axillary nerve).
  3. cutaneous branch of axillary nerve.
  4. superior lateral antibrachial nerve (branch of radial nerve).
  5. posterior medial brachial nerve (branch of the lateral ramus of intercostal II).
  6. lesser medial brachial cutaneous nerve (from ansa cervicalis VIII).
  7. lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm, from musculocutaneous nerve.
  8. superficial radial nerve (with dorsal digital rami for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fingers) [s. nerve dorsalis radialis].
  9. posterior ramus, medial brachial nerve of ulnar nerve (s. internus major).
  10. dorsal ramus of ulnar nerve (with dorsal digital ramifor fingers 4 and 5).

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