For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Nerves of the perineum and the male genitalia.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Nerves of the perineum and the male genitalia

a) Ischial tuberosity.
b) Ischial bone, ascending ramus.
c) Sacrotuberous ligament.
d) Corpus cavernosus urethrae.
e) Corprus cavernosus penis.
f) Anus.
g) Scrotum.
h) m. Bulbocavernosus.
i) m. Ischiocavernosus.
k) m. Superficial transverse perinaei.
l) m. Sphincter ani externus.
m) m. Levator ani.
n) m. Adductor longus.
o) m. Gracilis.
p) m. Adductor magnus.
q) m. Gluteus maximus.

  1. common pudendial nerve.
  2. internal pudendal nerve (nervus perinaei).
  3. nerve dorsalis penis.
  4. inferior scrotal nerves
  5. inferior gluteal nerves.
  6. subcutaneous perinaei nerves.

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