For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Nerves of the eyes, nose, and mouth (right side, seen from the interior).

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

Nerves of the eyes, nose, and mouth

a) Frontal bone (frontal sinus).
b) Roof of the orbit (frontal bone orbital part).
c) Ocular bulb.
d) m. levator palpbrae superioris.
e) m. ocular superior rectus.
f) m. ocular inferior rectus.
g) Wall of the nasal cavity with the nasal muscle.
h) Pterygoid process.
i) Sphenopalatine foramen.
k) Hard palate.
l) Pterygopalatine canal.
m) Mandible.
n) m. Medial pterygoid.
o) Tympanic membrane (with an auditory bone).

  1. maxillary artery.
  2. optic nerve.
  3. trigeminal nerve with Gasserian ganglion (s. semilunar or trigeminal).
  4. trigeminal nerve, ramus I (ophthalmic division).
  5. trigeminal nerve, ramus II (maxillary division).
  6. trigeminal nerve, ramus III (mandibular division).
  7. frontal nerve.
  8. nasal nerve.
  9. ethmoidal nerve.
  10. ciliary ganglion (s. ophthalmicum).
  11. ciliary ganglion, short ciliary nerves.
  12. ciliary ganglion, long ciliary nerves.
  13. ciliary ganglion and ciliary nerves.
  14. pterygopalatine nerves.
  15. pterygopalatine ganglion (s. Meckel’s ganglion or nasal ganglion).
  16. posterior superior nasal nerves.
  17. pterygopalatine nerve.
  18. posterior inferior nasal nerves.
  19. great superficial petrosal nerve.
  20. lingual nerve.
  21. submandibular ganglion (s. linguale).
  22. pterygoid nerve.
  23. facial nerve in the facial canal (s. canal of Fallopii).
  24. chorda tympani.
  25. anterior auricular nerve.
  26. otic ganglion.
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