The nerves of the nasal mucous membrane and the interior surface of the mandible (left side).

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

The nerves of the nasal mucous membrane

a) Frontal bone (frontal sinus).
b) Nasal bone.
c) Ethmoid bone (lamina cribrosa).
d) Sphenoid bone (sphenoidal sinus).
e) Pterygoid process.
f) Hard palate.
g) Incisive canal.
h) Uvula.
i) Nasal septum.
k) Mandible.
l) Inferior alveolar foramen.
m) m. Medial pterygoid.
n) Mastoid process.

  1. Internal carotid artery (with internal carotid sympathetic plexus).
  2. trigeminal nerve.
  3. trigeminal nerve, ramus I (ophthalmic division).
  4. trigeminal nerve, ramus II (maxillary division).
  5. trigeminal nerve, ramus III (mandibular division).
  6. nasopalatine nerve (s. Scarpa’s nerve).
  7. anterior nasal nerve (ethmoidal nerve).
  8. lingual nerve (cut).
  9. chorda tympani (cut).
  10. inferior alveolar nerve (with dental branches).
  11. mylohyoid nerve.
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