For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The deep branch of the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve and the nerves of the middle ear.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

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The deep branch of the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve

a) Greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
b) Zygomatic bone.
c) Maxillary bone.
d) Mandible.
e) Petrous part of temporal bone.
f) Mastoid process.
g) Tongue.
h) Submaxillary gland.
i) Sublingual gland.
k) m. Medial pterygoid.
l) m. Lateral pterygoid.
m) m. Genioglossus.
n) m. Hyoglossus.

  1. internal carotid artery.
  2. trigeminal nerve.
  3. semilunar (s. Gassarian or trigeminal) ganglion.
  4. trigeminal nerve, ophthalmic division.
  5. trigeminal nerve, maxillary division.
  6. trigeminal nerve, mandibular division.
  7. facial nerve.
  8. great superficial petrosal nerve.
  9. inferior alveolar nerve.
  10. mental nerve.
  11. mylohyoid nerve.
  12. anterior auricular nerve (with middle meningeal artery).
  13. lingual nerve (s. gustatorius nerve).
  14. submandibular ganglion (s. lingual ganglion).
  15. deep temporal nerve.
  16. buccinator nerve.
  17. chorda tympani.
  18. internal carotid plexus (sympathetic nerves), with nn. caroticotympanic.
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