For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Superior view of the nerves of the head and neck (left side).

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Superior view of the nerves of the head and neck (left side)

a) Zygomatic bone (s. malare).
b) Zygomatic arch.
c) Mandible (maxilla inferior).
d) m. Frontalis.
e) m. Palpebrum orbicularis.
f) m. Zygomaticus major.
g) m. Zygomaticus minor.
h) m. Levator anguli oris.
i) m. Orbicularis oris.
k) m. Levator labii superioris.
l) m. Masseter.
m) m. Buccinator.
n) m. Depressor anguli oris (s. triangularis menti).
o) m. Depressor labii inferioris (s. quadratus menti).
p) m. Stylohyoideus (s. digastricus).
q) Hyoid bone.
r) m. Sternocleidomastoideus.
s) m. Auricularis superior.
t) mm. Auricularis posterior.
u) m. Occipitalis.
v) m. Trapezius (s. cucullaris).
w) m. Splenius capitis.
x) m. Splenius colli.
y) m. Levator anguli scapulae.
z) m. digastricus.

a) Submandibular gland.
b) Parotid duct (s. Stenonianus duct).
g) Galea aponeurotica.
d) Clavicula.
e) Acromion scapulae.
z) Scapular spine.
h) m. Deltoideus.
q) m. Sternohyoideus.
i) m. Omohyoideus.
k) m. Anterior scalene.
l) m. mylohyoideus.

  1. common carotid artery.
  2. internal carotid artery.
  3. external carotid artery.
  4. superior thyroid artery.
  5. maxillary artery.
  6. temporal artery.
  7. temporal artery, frontal ramus.
  8. temporal artery, temporal ramus.
  9. temporal artery, occipital ramus.
  10. transverse facial artery.
  11. frontal artery
  12. ophthalmic artery.
  13. occipital artery.
  14. supraorbital nerve.
  15. supratrochlear nerve.
  16. infratrochlear nerve.
  17. infraorbital nn (with nn. palpebrales inferior, subcutaneous nasi, and superior labial).
  18. subcutaneous nerve of the cheek.
  19. mental nerve(with inferior labial nerves).
  20. ethmoidal nerve.
  21. auricularis anterior nerve (s. temporalis superficalis nerve).
  22. facial nerve.
  23. auricularis posterior nerve.
  24. facial nerve, superior ramus.
  25. facial nerve, inferior ramus.
  26. facial nerve, temporal branch (s. temporales facialis nerve.
  27. facial nerve, zygomatic branch (s. zygomatici nerve).
  28. facial nerve, buccal branch (rami faciales nervi facialis).
  29. subcutaneous mandibular nerve (nervi marginalis).
  30. superior cutaneous nerve of the neck.
  31. greater occipital nerve.
  32. lesser occipital nerve.
  33. superior auricular nerve.
  34. great auricular nerve (s. inferior auricular nerve).
  35. inferior subcutaneous nerve of the neck.
  36. middle subcutaneous nerve of the neck.
  37. supraclavicular nerves.
  38. accessory nerve (s. accessorius Willisii).
  39. brachial plexus.
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