For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Arteries of the pelvis and hypogastric region in males.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Arteries of the pelvis and hypogastric region in males

a) Fifth lumbar vertebra.
b) Sacral bone.
c) Iliac crest.
d) m. Psoas major.
e) m. Iliacus internus.
f) m. Transverses abdominis.
g) m. Rectus abdominis.
h) Ureter.
i) Urinary bladder.
k) Rectum.
l) Vas deferens.

  1. abdominal aorta.
  2. inferior mesenteric artery.
  3. middle rectal artery.
  4. left colic artery.
  5. middle sacral artery.
  6. testicular artery.
  7. common iliac artery.
  8. external iliac artery (s. cruralis).
  9. internal iliac artery (s. hypogastrica).
  10. circumflex iliac artery.
  11. inferior epigastric artery.
  12. iliolumbar artery.

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