For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The blood vessels of the upper part of the thigh.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The blood vessels of the upper part of the thigh

a) Anterior superior iliac spine.
b) m. External abdominal oblique.
c) m. Internal abdominal oblique.
d) m. Transversis abdominis.
e) m. Rectus abdominis.
f) Deep inguinal annulus.
g) Spermatic cord.
h) m. Sartorius.
i) m. Internal iliac.
k) m. Psoas major.
l) m. Pectineus.
m) m. Adductor longus.
n) m. Rectus femoris.
o) m. Tensor fascia lata.
p) Penis with artery and vein dorsalis penis.
q) Inguinal canal.

  1. femoral artery (s. curalis).
  2. profunda femoris artery.
  3. lateral femoral circumflex artery.
  4. circumflex iliac artery and vein.
  5. inferior epigastric artery and vein.
  6. femoral vein (s. curalis).
  7. profunda femoris vein.
  8. great saphenous vein.
  9. lateral femoral circumflex vein.
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