For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Arteries of the dorsal surface of the arm, forearm and hand.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Arteries of the dorsal surface of the arm, forearm and hand.

a) m. Deltoideus.
b) Triceps brachii, long head.
c) Triceps brachii, lateral head.
d) Olecranon.
e) Ulna.
f) m. Biceps brachii.
g) m. Brachialis.
h) m. Brachioradialis.
i) m. Extensor carpi radialis longus.
k) m. Extensor carpi radialis brevis.
l) m. Extensor digitorum communis.
m) Lateral humeral condyle.
n) m. Anconeus.
o) m. Extensor carpi ulnaris.
p) m. Flexor carpi ulnaris.
q) m. Abductor pollicis longus.
r) m. Extensor pollicis brevis.
s) m. Extensor pollicis longus.
t) Dorsal carpal ligament.
u) The association of extensor tendons of the finger.
v) m. First lateral interosseous.

  1. muscular rami of the profunda brachii artery.
  2. profunda brachii artery.
  3. branches of the radial recurrent artery.
  4. interosseous recurrent artery.
  5. cubital articular rete.
  6. branches of the lateral interosseous arteries.
  7. branches of the medial interosseous arteries.
  8. inferior lateral interosseous artery (last branch of the medial interosseous artery).
  9. ramus of dorsal radial artery.
  10. ramus of dorsal ulnar artery.
  11. dorsal carpal ramus to the dorsal carpal rete.
  12. dorsal ulnar artery of the thumb.
  13. dorsal radial artery of the index finger.
  14. volar ulnar artery of the thumb.
  15. dorsal ulnar artery of the digiti V. (quinti).
  16. interosseous artery of metacarpals III and I.
  17. dorsal radial artery of digiti V.
  18. dorsal ulnar artery of digiti IV.
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