For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Ophthalmic artery with its deep branches.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Ophthalmic artery with its deep branches

a) Optic nerve.
b) m. Superior rectus, divided with both parts showing).
c) m. Lateral rectus.
d) Cornea.
e) m. Superior oblique.
f) Trochlea (for tendon of superior oblique muscle).
g) Tendon of superior oblique.
h) Ocular bulb.
i) m. Inferior rectus.

  1. internal carotid artery.
  2. ophthalmic artery.
  3. lacrimal artery (divided).
  4. central retinal artery.
  5. branch to superior rectus (cut).
  6. branch to superior rectus.
  7. posterior ciliary arteries.
  8. posterior ethmoidal artery.
  9. branch to m. superior oblique and anterior ethmoidal artery.
  10. supraorbital artery.
  11. continuation of the ophthalmic artery (divided).
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