For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Area of supply of the maxillary artery.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Area of supply of the maxillary artery

a) Mandibular branch.
b) Zygomatic arch.
c) Maxillary tuberosity.
d) m. Masseter.
e) m. Temporalis.
f) m. Pterygoideus externus.
g) m. Pterygoideus internus.
h) m. Buccinator.
i) m.. Levator labii superiorus proprius.
k) m. Zygomaticus minor.
l) m. Zygomaticus major.
m) m. Levator labii superiorus alaeque nasi.
n) m. Levator anguli oris.
o) m. Compressor nasi.
p) m. Depressor anguli oris (s. triangularis menti).
q) m. Depressor labii inferiorus (s. quadratus menti).
r) m. Orbicularis oris.
s) m. Sphincter palpebrarum.
t) Parotid duct (s. ductus Stenonianus).
u) Superior sagittal sinus (opened).

  1. facial artery.
  2. muscular ramus to the buccinator muscle.
  3. inferior labial artery.
  4. superior labial artery.
  5. angular artery.
  6. superior palpebral artery.
  7. infraorbital artery.
  8. external carotid artery.
  9. internal carotid artery.
  10. ramus to masseter muscle.
  11. posterior auricular artery.
  12. deep auricular artery.
  13. superficial temporal artery.
  14. maxillary artery.
  15. middle meningeal artery.
  16. deep temporal arteries (anterior and posterior).
  17. inferior alveolar artery.
  18. ramus buccinatorius.
  19. superior alveolar (posterior) artery.
  20. infraorbital artery.
  21. sphenopalatine.
  22. pterygopalatine.
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