For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Arteries and veins of the right side of the neck.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Arteries and veins of the right side of the neck

a) Mandible.
b) Hyoid bone.
c) Clavicle.
d) Larynx.
e) Thyroid gland.
f) Trachea.
g) Acromion, scapulae.
h) Mastoid process.
i) Styloid process.
k) Atlas, transverse process.
l) m. Digastric, anterior belly.
m) m. Mylohyoideus.
n) m. hyoglossus.
o) m. Styloglossus.
p) m. Sternocleidmastoideus.
q) m. Levator anguli scapulae.
r) m. Scalenus anterior.
s) m. Scalenius medius.
t) m. Omohyoideus.
u) m. Sternohyoideus.
v) m. Thyrohyoideus.
w) Pharynx.
x) Esophagus.
y) First rib.
z) Manubrium sterni.

  1. superior vena cava.
  2. innominate vein (s. left common jugular vein).
  3. right innominate vein ( right brachiocephalic vein).
  4. right subclavian vein.
  5. axillary vein.
  6. external jugular vein.
  7. internal jugular vein.
  8. external cephalic vein.
  9. internal cephalic vein.
  10. middle jugular vein (s. subcutaneous colli or cervicle).
  11. aortic arch.
  12. innominate (brachiocephalic) artery.
  13. right common carotid artery.
  14. right subclavian artery.
  15. axillary artery.
  16. external carotid artery.
  17. internal carotid artery.
  18. superior thyroid artery.
  19. lingual artery.
  20. maxillary artery.
  21. temporal artery.
  22. posterior auricular artery.
  23. occipital artery.
  24. inferior thyroid artery.
  25. transverse scapular artery.
  26. transverse colli (cervicle) artery.
  27. external thoracic artery.

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