For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Arteries on the right side of neck.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Arteries on the right side of neck

a) Mandible.
b) Hyoid bone.
c) Clavicle.
d) Larynx.
e) Thyroid gland.
f) Trachea.
g) Acromion, scapulae.
h) Mastoid process.
i) Styloid process.
k) Atlas, transverse process.
l) m. Digastric, anterior belly.
m) m. Mylohyoideus.
n) m. hyoglossus.
o) m. Styloglossus.
p) m. Sternocleidmastoideus.
q) m. Levator anguli scapulae.
r) m. Scalenus anterior.
s) m. Scalenius medius.
t) m. Omohyoideus.
u) m. Sternohyoideus.
v) m. Thyrohyoideus.
w) Pharynx.
x) Esophagus.
y) m. Subclavius.
z) m. Pectoralis major.

  1. right common carotid artery arising from innominate (brachiocephalic) artery.
  2. common carotid artery bifurcation into external and internal carotid arteries.
  3. external carotid artery.
  4. internal carotid artery.
  5. superior thyroid artery.
  6. superior laryngeal artery.
  7. lingual artery.
  8. lingual artery, hyoid branch.
  9. facial artery (s. external maxillary).
  10. ascending palatine artery.
  11. submental artery.
  12. occipital artery with ascending and descending rami.
  13. posterior auricular artery.
  14. superficial temporal artery.
  15. right subclavian artery.
  16. thyreocervical trunk.
  17. inferior thyroid artery.
  18. ascending cervical artery.
  19. transverse scapular artery.
  20. transverse colli artery.
  21. axillary artery.
  22. external thoracic artery.

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