For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The arteries of the face and the anterior surface of the neck.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The arteries of the face and the anterior surface of the neck

a) Musculus frontalis.
b) m. Orbicularis palpebarum.
c) m. Corrigator supercilii.
d) m. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi.
e) m. Levator labii superioris (proprius).
f) m. Zygomaticus minor.
g) m. Zygomaticus major.
h) m. Masseter.
i) m. Buccinator.
k) m. Orbicularis Oris.
l) m. Triangularis menti.
m) m. Quadratus menti.
n) m. Levator anguli oris.
o) m. Sternocleidomastoideus.
p) m. Sternohyoideus.
q) Thyroid gland.
r) Trachea.
s) Larynx.
t) m. Trapezius (s. cucullaris).
u) m. Omohyoideus.
v)..m. Scalebus anterior.
w) m. Scalenus medius.
x) Clavicle.

  1. subclavian artery.
  2. internal thoracic artery (s. internal mammary).
  3. transverse scapular artery.
  4. transverse colli artery.
  5. ascending cervical artery.
  6. inferior thyroid artery.
  7. common carotid artery.
  8. superior thyroid artery.
  9. maxillary artery.
  10. inferior labial artery.
  11. superior labial artery.
  12. angular artery.
  13. posterior nasal artery.
  14. alares nasi arteries.
  15. ophthalmic artery (with palpebral arteries).
  16. frontal artery.
  17. supraorbital artery.
  18. infraorbital artery.
  19. deep temporal artery (from maxillary artery).
  20. superficial temporal artery.
  21. temporal artery, frontal branch.
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