For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The superficial and deep muscles of the posterior surface of the pelvis and the thigh and leg.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


The superficial and deep muscles of the posterior surface of the pelvis and the thigh and leg

a) Iliac crest.
b) Os Ilium (with the greater sciatic notch).
c) Coccyx.
d) Ischial tuberosity.
e) Os ischium, ascending ramus.
f) Os pubis, descending ramus.
g) Greater trochanter.
h) Os sacrum.
i) Sacrospinous ligament.
k) Sacrotuberous ligament.
l) Femur, linea aspera.
m) Os femur.
n) Popliteal fossa.
o) Fibula.
p) Lateral malleolus.
q) Medial malleolus.
r) Tendon of Achilles on the calcaneal tuberosity.
s) Tibial oblique line.

  1. m. gluteal maximus.
  2. m. gluteus medius.
  3. m. pyriformis.
  4. m. superior gemellus.
  5. m. obturator internus.
  6. m. inferior gemellus.
  7. m. quadratus femoris.
  8. m. obturator externus.
  9. m. biceps femoris, long head.
  10. m. biceps femoris, short head.
  11. Tendon of biceps femoris.
  12. m. semitendinosis.
  13. m. semimembranosus.
  14. m. adductor magnus.
  15. Cleft in m. adductor magnus for rami perforantes of the deep femoral (profundus) artery and vein.
    15*. Cleft for the femoral artery and vein.
  16. m. gracilis.
  17. m. sartorius.
  18. m. vastus lateralis.
  19. m. popliteus.
  20. m. gastrocnemius.
  21. m. gastrocnemius, lateral head.
  22. m. gastrocnemius, medial head.
  23. m. plantaris.
  24. tendon of m. plantaris.
  25. Tendon of Achilles (calcaneal tendon).
  26. m. soleus.
  27. m. peroneus longus.
  28. m. peroneus brevis.
  29. m. flexor hallucis longus.
  30. m. tibialis posterior.
  31. m. flexor communis digitorum (pedis) longus.
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