For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the medial side of the lower limb.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Muscles of the medial side of the lower limb

a) Iliac crest.
b) Anterior superior iliac spine.
c) Genu of the lateral condyle (femur and tibia).
d) Tibia.
e) Patella.
f) Tarsal cruciate ligament.
g) Retinaculum musculorum extensorum inferius.
h) Retinaculum musculorum flexorum.

  1. m. tensor fascia lata.
  2. fascia lata.
  3. m. gluteus medius.
  4. m. gluteus maximus.
  5. m. sartorius.
  6. m. rectus femoris.
  7. m. vastus lateralis.
  8. m. biceps femoris (long head).
  9. m. biceps femoris (short head).
  10. m. tibialis anterior.
  11. m. extensor digitorum (communis) longus.
  12. m. extensor hallucis longus.
  13. m. peroneus tertius (s. parvus).
  14. m. peroneus longus (s. primus).
  15. m. peroneus brevis (s. secundus).
  16. vagina (sheath) of the retinaculum of the peroneal (fibular) muscles retaining the tendons of peroneus longus and brevis as they cross the lateral malleolus of the ankle.
  17. m. soleus.
  18. m. gastrocnemius.
  19. m. tendon of Achilles (s. calcaneal tendon).
  20. m. extensor digitorum (communis) brevis.
  21. m. abductor digiti minimi.
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