For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Tendons and tendon sheaths on the dorsum of the right hand.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Tendons and tendon sheaths on the dorsum of the right hand

a) Ulna.
b) Radius.
c) Dorsal carpal ligaments.
d) Carpal bones (carpus).

  1. vagina (sheath) for mm. abductor longus and extensor pollicis brevis.
  2. vagina for mm. extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis.
  3. vagina for m. extensor pollicis longus.
  4. vagina for mm. extensor digitorum communis and indicis proprius.
  5. vagina for m. extensor digiti minimi.
  6. vagina for m. extensor carpi ulnaris.
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