Deep muscles of the neck.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Deep muscles of the neck

a) Occipital bone.
b) Mastoid process.
c) Atlas, posterior tubercle.
d) Atlas, transverse process.
e) Axis, transverse process.
f) Axis, spinous process.
g) Vertebra (seventh cervical), spinous process.

  1. m. rectus capitis posterior minor.
  2. m. rectus capitis posterior major.
  3. m. superior oblique capitis.
  4. m. inferior oblique capitis.
  5. m. interspinales.
  6. m. multifidus (spinae), cervical.
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