For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

The middle muscle layer of the sole of the right foot.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Figure 11-4

a) Tuberosity of the calcaneus.
b) Tuberosity of metatarsal V.
c) Tuberosity of navicular bone.
d) Lacinate ligament ( s. internal annular ligament, NA retinaculum musculorum flexorum), deep layer.
e) Lacinate ligament, superficial layer (NA retinaculum musculorum flexorum).
f) Ligaments of metatarsal heads.

  1. tendon m. flexor digitorum communis longus.
  2. m. quadratus plante.
  3. mm lumbricles.
  4. tendon m. flexor hallucis longus.
  5. tendon m. peromeus longus.
  6. m. abductor hallucis.
  7. m. flexor hallucis brevis.
  8. m. flexor digiti V (minimi) brevis.
  9. m. interosseus internus III.
  10. m. adductor hallucis, transverse head.
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