For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the palate, jaw, and larynx, seen from behind after removal of the posterior wall of the pharynx.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Figure 2

a) Occipital bone, basilar part.
b) Temporal bone, petrous part.
c) Mandible, ramus.
d) Styloid process.
e) Nasal choanae.
f) Mandible, condyle.
g) Lingula (tongue).
h) Epiglottis.
i) Larynx, posterior wall.
k) Esophagus.
l) Trachea.

  1. m. superior pharyngeal constrictor.
  2. m. middle pharyngeal constrictor.
  3. m. inferior pharyngeal constrictor.
  4. m. uvulae (azygos uvulae).
  5. m. levator veli palatini.
  6. m. tensor veli palatini.
  7. m. posterior cricoarytenoid.
  8. m. palatopharyngeus.
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