For Providers -- Atlas of Human Anatomy

Ligaments of the dorsal surface of the left hand.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


Ligaments of the dorsal surface of the left hand.

a) Distal end of the radius.
b) Distal end of the ulna.
c) Radial styloid process.
d) Ulnar styloid process.
e) Scaphoid (carpal) bone.
f) Lunate (carpal) bone.
g) Triquetrum (carpal) bone.
h) Trapezium (carpal) bone.
i) Trapezoideum (carpal) bone.
k) Capitate (carpal) bone.
l) Hamate (carpal) bone.

  1. interosseous membrane.
  2. ulnar collateral ligament.
  3. radial collateral ligament.
  4. dorsal radiocarpal ligament.
  5. superficial dorsal ligament.
  6. deep dorsal carpal ligament.
  7. ulnar carpal or dorsal metacarpal ligaments.
  8. proper carpal ligaments.
  9. dorsal carpal (metacarpal) ligaments.
  10. dorsal metacarpal ligaments.
  11. dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments lateralis.
  12. dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments medialis.
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