The term Generation Y (often shortened to Gen Y) is itself controversial because it is seen by some as borrowing too strongly from the term Generation X (Gen X), which when originally coined carried a negative connotation. Many feel the use of Gen Y as a term fails to capture the cohort's unique social, political, and cultural experience. As a result, numerous terms have arisen that are generally synonymous with Generation Y, including The Net Generation, Millennials and Echo Boomers. No single term is the "correct" term to describe members of this generation.
In Generations, Howe and Strauss use the years 1982-2000 as the birth years of Generation Y.
Many in Generation Y are the children of Baby Boomers, and the generation is also known as the "Echo (Boom) generation," because it is, in some areas, the largest demographic grouping since the baby boom that immediately followed World War II.
The term New Silent Generation is a placeholding name used by demographers Neil Howe and William Strauss to describe the cohort born after Generation Y (2001-now).
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Posted by : อ่า.... , Date : 2006-02-10 , Time : 21:51:54 , From IP :