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English movie night

   ENGLISH through FILMS
Led by Robin Switzer, a native English speaker and English teacher from the U.S. Sponsored by PSU Faculty of Medicine.
When? Every Tuesday evening, 6:30 to 9:30pm
Where? Room 204, Medical Education (Red) building, PSU
Who? YOU!!! All adults are welcome.

Tuesday, September 11, 6:30pm
This is a really great film about race in America. Very intelligent, and shows each character as being both good and bad.
Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of inter-related characters: a black police detective with a drugged out mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the distracted district attorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist veteran cop (caring for a sick father at home) who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful black Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and more.

Posted by : robin switzer , E-mail : (robinswitzer@hotmail.com) ,
Date : 2005-09-12 , Time : 10:09:46 , From IP :

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