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English Movie Night

   ENGLISH through FILMS
Led by Robin Switzer, a native English speaker and English teacher from the U.S.

When? Every Tuesday evening, 6:30 to 9:30pm
Where? Room 204, Medical Education (Red) building, PSU

Tuesday, Aug 9th : REAR WINDOW, 1954, USA, Drama, Comedy, Suspense, Romance, great acting and direction – this film masterpiece has it all! Starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly. Directed by film great Alfred Hitchcock. A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder. OK for children.

Next week (Aug 16th): Hitch, 2005, USA. Romantic comedy. Will Smith stars as a professional matchmaker.

Posted by : robin switzer , E-mail : (robinswitzer@hotmail.com) ,
Date : 2005-08-04 , Time : 13:28:21 , From IP :

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