ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด : 2

What"s best in the bedroom – a dog or English charmer?

   By Penny Mortimer
(Filed: 24/05/2003)

I"ve just got back from Tuscany. I was lucky enough to be able to escape from this year"s less than merry month of May and go on a week"s riding holiday. It was one of the best breaks I"ve ever had.

For five hours a day we rode on fit, perky horses, in bright sunshine, through meadows full of wild flowers - mini gladioli, bee orchids, poppies, love-in-a-mist, and many more - we passed wild fruit trees - figs, pears, quinces, apples - and had two-hour picnics under trees by rivers and streams (in which the more adventurous of us bathed naked). And in the evenings after all the exercise and fresh air, the Tuscan food accompanied by many bottles of the vino nobile di Montepulciano, tasted even more delicious than ever.

One of the many interesting discoveries of the trip was the large number of dogs the rural Tuscans keep. Almost every house in every village possessed a fenced-in yard containing at least six barking hounds, which are kept for hunting things - wild boar, pheasants and truffles among them.

It seems to me that the Italians have a different attitude to animals than the British do; they deal with them in a less anthropomorphic way, look after them well and treat them as working friends.

The 200 or so miles that we travelled gave us the opportunity for a lot of chat. During one discussion with my fellow riders about boarding schools, a bon mot of my Australian friend Kathy Lette came to mind. One of the male equestrians responded to my thought that it was "not on" to send little boys of seven in short trousers away to school by saying, "Oh, it"s jolly good for them. Toughens them up and keeps them busy. Only trouble is, nowadays they let them out to often."

I told him what Kathy had said: "You English are so odd. You send your children away to kennels and you have your dogs in bed with you." Quite so.

But the English male can have charm. Another companion - a worldly wise, attractive man of 70 with a devastating smile - said: "I once made a resolution never to have an affair with anyone younger than my daughter. But now she"s 35 I"m finding it rather difficult to keep to." I don"t think many women (pace Joan Collins) would ever say that. Certainly not me. Come to think of it, I"m rather attracted to men of 70.

Excerpt from The Daily Telegraph (UK) 24/05/03

Posted by : Phoenix , Date : 2003-05-24 , Time : 12:19:07 , From IP :

ความคิดเห็นที่ : 1

hmm.. Do all English families send their kids to boarding schools?

and i dont understand this
it seems to be something in contrast

"It seems to me that the Italians have a different attitude to animals than the British do; they deal with them in a less anthropomorphic way, look after them well and treat them as working friends"
"You English are so odd. You send your children away to kennels and you have your dogs in bed with you"

so how does the English treat their dogs??

Posted by : nulekk , Date : 2003-05-24 , Time : 13:44:22 , From IP :

ความคิดเห็นที่ : 2

   Sleep with them.

Posted by : Phoenix , Date : 2003-05-24 , Time : 17:11:12 , From IP :

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