ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด : 1


   aortic dissection ทำให้เกิด cardiac temponade ได้อย่างไร

Posted by : สงสัย , Date : 2004-08-19 , Time : 18:40:06 , From IP :

ความคิดเห็นที่ : 1

   Anatomically, the parietal pericardium continues upward approximately 5-6 cms above the aortic root over the aortic arch. Type A aortic dissection ( type A means involvement of the ascending aorta) may cause leakage of blood (ruptured aorta) into pericardial space resulting cardiac tamponade. Besides cardiac tamponade, type A aortic dissection may result in acute aortic regurgitation with or without acute pulmonary edema and hemodynamic instability. Compromising of coronary blood flow by intimal flap is one of the non-atherosclerotic cause of acute myocardial infarction.

Posted by : NC , Date : 2004-08-20 , Time : 08:50:28 , From IP :

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