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รับสมัครนักแปลภาษาอังกฤษ -> ไทย เนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับวิทยาศาสต์การแพทย์

   Position English-Thai Translator with over 3-year experience in pharmaceutical, life-science, medical translation

Main qualification
• Thai native speakers who are available full-time or part-time, with a responsible attitude, as deadlines can be very tight.
• Possessing at least 3 years of pharmaceutical, life Sciences, medical translation experience
• Willing to follow the instruction and requirements.

How to Apply
• Please send your resume to kamolrats@sdl.com or apply via the following website; http://www.sdl.com/about/career/freelancers/translators.html
• All applicants who are contacted, will be required to test our non-paid test.

Posted by : localizeMe7 , E-mail : (kamolrats@sdl.com) ,
Date : 2018-06-13 , Time : 16:30:27 , From IP : 61-91-83-162.static.asianet.co.th

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